Kannadave Nithya
“Kannadave Nithya” is an expo-tainment program, first of its kind program in Karnataka showcasing the culture of Karnataka, with
the touch of entertainment. “Kannadave Nithya” is brain child of “ADIS FOUNDATION”, NGO based Bangalore working towards
Empowerment of Farmers, Renovation of agricultural lakes/ Ponds and Kannada Culture.
Similar program was conducted on 29th & 30th of December 2018 @ JP Nagar, Mysuru. There was a crowd of around 13,000
members. We have honored Padmashree Dr. DoddaranangeGowda and another two icons from Karnataka followed by Janapada
live concert by Mr. Ramachndra Adapa on 29th December. On 30th December there were performances by young stars followed by
live concert by international singer B R Chaya.